Jacqueline Jossa shares new picture of baby Ella – and she’s SO CUTE your ovaries might explode

Stay away from this photo if you want to keep your reproductive system intact


by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Ovary-shattering picture time now, and please don't look at this super-cute photo of Jacqueline Jossa's baby Ella unless you have a reproductive system MADE OF IRON.

The EastEnders star posted it on Instagram and captioned it "□", which is when you know something is so cute we don't actually have the words for it in the English language.


Baby Ella Selina Osborne was born on 15 February to Jac and her boyfriend Dan Osborne – that one off TOWIE and the Dreamboys stripping troupe.

They've had a rough few weeks after an audio file emerged allegedly of Dan threatening his ex, Megan Tomlin, with a knife.

In the clip, Dan says he will stab her if she sleeps with another man. It is thought to have been recorded last year.

Dan has apologised for the verbal assault and no police action has been taken against him. But he and Jac have yet to comment publicly on the incident – the closest they came was to hit out at a magazine on Twitter to say it had "made up" stories.

Dan also tweeted: "Not had any stress, in fact we're happier than we've ever been."

TOWIE's Dan Osborne strips off as he competes in Essex's Strongest Man


TOWIE's Dan Osborne strips off as he competes in Essex's Stronges Man

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