James Jordan says he’ll beat up anyone who hits on wife Ola in the I’m A Celeb jungle!

Flanter with Ola = off limits.

James Jordan

by Joel Cooper |
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The I’m A Celebrity… jungle can be a scary place.

It’s full of creepy crawlies, venomous snakes and the relentless sound of Larry Lamb snoring, which, let’s face it, is nothing short of terrifying.

So it’s no wonder that many lonesome celebs have shacked up for a comforting jungle romance over the years.

But this year, the fellas had better steer clear from married campmate Ola Jordan if they know what’s good for them!

James Jordan

Ola’s possessive hubby and semi-professional loudmouth James Jordan has warned that they could be on the receiving end of his fist if they get too close to the former Strictly Come Dancing pro.

“It’s to be expected,” James said on Periscope about men coming onto Ola. “She’s a gorgeous girl and if they hit on her, they hit on her.

“Maybe I’ll smash their face in when they get out.”


James Jordan

But don’t worry, because according to James it sounds like feisty Ola can totally take care of herself.

“If you push her and push her, when she goes she’s a real firecracker,” James explained.

“But generally she’s easy to get on with - she deserves a trophy for putting up with me.”

And it looks like former Celebrity Big Brother star James has already been feeling a little sexually frustrated without his wife by his side, tweeting that he hopes Ola ends up in a bikini mud fight with fellow campmate Sam Quek.

James Jordan

Maybe it’s time for a cold shower, eh, James?

After they were paired up in the first episode, James tweeted: “Let’s hope @The_OlaJordan and Sam have to have a mud fight together in their bikini’s.”

James Jordan

Sam’s an Olympian, don’t you know!

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