Jamie Dornan, who stars as Christian Grey in this year's most anticipated film, Fifty Shades of Grey, admits him and Dakota Johnson filmed most of their sex scenes towards the end of production, in order to have a "trust" and "rapport" with each other.
Jamie told heat's Jo Parkerson of the sex scenes they filmed: "We just had fun with it, we'd be in it and focused and professional when the cameras were rolling but there's a lot of giggling after they call cut."
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The Irish actor admits Dakota is the most naked in the film but also the fact that she's "a great sport" despite being in the "very vulnerable position she got into".
Being the gentleman he is - and we love you a bit more for this Jamie - the bearded fellow admits: "I grew very protective of her.
"When the cameras are rolling, the scenarios we're in all make sense, but when they call 'cut' she just becomes a naked girl tied to a bed and that's not easy.
"I'd make sure, because I was often the closest person to her, to throw a blanket over her and un-tie her, because it was tough."
Jamie also spoke about what fans have given or made him.
The most sort-out man in the world right now, got given a baby grow by a fan, which said 'My dad was Christian Grey and all I got was this baby grow' but the actor admits his daughter won't be wearing it.
Another treat was a Jamie Dornan cake, "I met the lovely woman who made it. "It was based on who they saw Christian Grey from the books rather than who they cast.
"But is that how people saw him in the books? I mean good luck finding someone who looked like that, I mean he's neanderthal-like."
Poor cake version of Mr Grey.
Listen to heat radio's Hotlist special on 50 Shades of Grey this Sunday between 10am - 12pm for more interviews. heat's Charles Gant and Boyd Hilton will also be reviewing the film - SO DON'T MISS IT!