We think this might be the most exciting news we have heard all year (yeah, we know it’s only the 4th…). The two funniest, most honest women in Hollywood have actually finished writing their first film. That’s Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer.
Speaking to Lauren Laverne on BBC 6 Music J-Law said she wanted to get started working on the project with Amy “soon”.
"That is done. We have finished writing it. We have an official first draft. I’m going to try to fit it somewhere into my ghoulish schedule and we’re gonna try to do that pretty soon."

Jen admitted it was her who hunted Amy down to get the comedian on-board. Lawrence said she watched Schumer’s latest film, Trainwreck, and knew the pair were “made for each other.”
According to Jen the script writing the script was “hilarious, because when you’re writing a comedy, it’s not good enough unless you laugh out loud. So I’m laughing at my pages and I’m laughing at her pages and thinking that the process is hilarious. I’m thinking we’ve got a pretty funny, good movie.”
Seriously, we CANNOT WAIT. Better stock up on the tissues/Tenas.