Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Martin ‘split up’ after secretly dating for months

J-Law and erm, C-Mar have called it a day…

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Martin have called time on their short-lived relationship, and very secretive relationship, according to E! News.

The pair were never spotted doing PDAs in public, but still, Jennifer has been spotted attending Coldplay’s gigs and had reportedly introduced Chris to her mum and had plans to have him over for Chrimbo dinner.

Speaking to The Sun on Sunday the actress' grandmother, Carolyn Koch, said: "Jennifer's mum flew to Los Angeles to meet Chris. We will have to get another chair for the dinner table at Christmas.

"The family is getting so big we might have to split up for gatherings."

The pair are thought to have began dating back in June. However, Chris has since been spotted having dinner with his ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow.

Here's a gallery of Jennifer Lawrence tripping at The Oscars, just 'cos it's awesome...


Jennifer Lawrence trips and falls over on the red carpet at the 2013 Oscars

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