Jennifer Lawrence sparked rumours that she was seeing US film producer and director Gabe Polsky after allegedly spending five hours in his Beverley Hills house – eating pizza!
J-Law drove to the* Red Army* director’s house wearing grey jogging bottoms and a hoody, carrying her teeny pet dog Pippi in her arms.
The pair ordered pizza from not one, but two different places – a sign that someone’s trying to impress or that Jennifer and Gabe have such different tastes they can’t even eat from the same kitchen.

A source from the New York Daily News says, “They definitely weren’t in there reading scripts. They were having a good time.”
But it turns out it's not Jen that Gabe's interested in - it's her best friend.
Multiple sources confirmed to E! News that Jen and Gabe do know each other, but it's not what you think. The duo have never dated. But Gabe and Jen's best friend are pretty serious.
So there you have it.