Jennifer Lawrence explains all about her “slutty power lesbian” style

Well if that’s what you wanna call it Jen…

Jennifer Lawrence

by Francesca Battson |
Published on

Jennifer Lawrence is known for her no-holding-back attitude, and she definitely tells it like it is, which is one of the reasons we love her so.

But in a recent interview and photoshoot, where the Oscar winner looks a-mazing, Jennifer explains that she wants to resemble a “slutty power lesbian”.

She told* Glamour*: “I don’t know if that’s offensive. You don’t see me as a slutty power lesbian on the red carpet a lot, because I’m embodying the Dior woman, which is an honour”.

J Law added that she can’t dress like a skinny girl in layers of embroidery, because it makes her look fat, so she has to “show the lumps”. And that, as Jen so eloquently puts, is because she has “t*its and ass”.

She also revealed in the interview that she “doesn’t date a lot”, and made it pretty clear that she’s currently single. “I’m not a lonely person. I feel completely fulfilled. Yes, when I spark with someone, it’s exciting, but I definitely don’t need that.”

Well, whatever you want to call her style, she’s definitely looking amazing and she clearly doesn’t need a man to tell her that either!

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