Jennifer Lawrence reveals she’s directing a movie

J-Law + the 60s = we’re sold


by Laura Donaldson |
Published on

We don't know much but we know we'd probably go see any film that stars Jennifer Lawrence, which means we'd DEFINITELY go and see one if she'd directed it.

Luckily for us she is currently doing just that!

The actress has been named Entertainment Weekly's 'Entertainer of the Year' and revealed in a special interview with the magazine that she is taking her talents from on to off screen.

She said: "I've signed on to direct something called Project Delirium – it's based on this article about mental warfare in the '60s, like an acid experiment gone terribly wrong."

She added that she's been always been interested in taking a seat in the director's chair, revealing: "It's funny, I've wanted to direct since I was 16 and always thought I should start making steps towards that.

"If I had tried to do it earlier, I wouldn't have been ready. Now I actually feel ready."

Jennifer also opened up about a different film she's writing with BFF Amy Schumer, describing it as "funny," "dirty" and "real."

Schumer's character "has it very together," according to Lawrence, although her own character is a "mess."

So while J-Law's career is on fire (flame emoji) it looks like her love life is heating up too as her and Hunger Games co-star Liam Hemsworth are apparently finally getting together.

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