Jess and Mike FINALLY grilled by Caroline Flack on their ‘hotel shagathon’

Mike and Jess

by Aimee Jakes |
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The messy love triangle with Love Island-ers Jess, Dom and Muggy Mike has been blowing our minds for the last few days.

Now Jess Shears and Mike Thalassitis have decided to set the record straight on ITV2's Love Island After Sun.

Read more: the full Love Island 2017 line-up

Speaking of how he has spent his time since leaving the villa, Mike admitted to Caroline Flack, 'I've had a crazy few nights and haven't had much sleep!'

Oh, you cocky bastard.

When quizzed on the rumours that he, ahem, shagged fellow Love Island-er in a hotel room just hours after being evicted, he replied, 'I don't know where it's coming from. We were never alone and we went to a villa, not a hotel.'

'We had one drink and we definitely didn't get drunk. I fell straight asleep. I was knackered.'

'I wouldn't say I fancied her, but she's a good looking girl. We are just friends.' Muggy Mike said with the smirkiest of smiles. So smirky that we are almost not convinced. We may have got a D in A-Level Psychology, but his face is deffo hiding something.

Caroline asked him if he had become closer to Jess since leaving the villa and he said he had. Hmm. Interesting.

Now Jess' turn to 'fess up on that sex rumour.

'So we left the villa and I was hysterical mess. I was crying my eyes out and he was such an angel and said I was going to be fine. He was so there for me, it was lovely.'

'Absolutely nothing happened between us. Nothing. I can't even go to my friends birthday with everyone, because everyone will be talking about it.'

So there you go. We kinda wish Caroline Flack would whack out a lie detector test or something.


She then gushed, 'I just want to give him [Dom] a hug and tell him there is no truth in it. I'm falling for him. I hope he sticks by me.'

Jess SHears

NOW. Do our Love Island quiz - Which Love Island lad would you be coupled up?

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