Jesy Nelson pens lengthy tribute to Perrie Edwards as Little Mix ‘split rumours’ continue

When will this end


by Hannah Mellin |
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Poor Little Mix have had a pretty shitty week. And it's all thanks to pesky rumours swirling around that they're heading for 'a split' after a supposed 'rift' arrupted after Perrie Edwards cropped Jesy Nelson out of a snap on Instagram.

FYI, Jesy was well peeved about the way she looked (we've all been there) and begged Perrie to crop her out of the picture. Not a big deal tbh.


The girl's manager, Simon Jones, was even forced to release a statement reassuring fans that the girls will not be breaking up anytime soon.

He told the Daily Star: "This is absolute nonsense created out of nothing. There is no fall out whatsoever within Little Mix. We now sadly live in a world where stories are fabricated from Instagram photo posts."

And despite loads of people coming forward to deny the rumours, the rumours hit a head last night as Little Mix partied in Minnesota without Jesy.

Jesy, who was finally reunited with her new boyf Chris Clark, was enjoying a well-deserved date night instead.

Clearly peeved by it all, Jesy finally hit out at the haters and proceeded to post a lengthy tribute to her 'Periwinkle' on Instagram.


She wrote: "Was gonna leave it because people love to write shit all the time and it's just something we have to get used to but it's gone to far now and it's really starting to get on my boobs.

"There never has been and never will be a feud between my Perrie winkle and me! I didn't like the one poxy picture of myself so I asked Pez to crop me out and like a good friend she did and for some strange reason there has now been a story created that me and my Pez hate each other biggest load of bullshitt I've ever heard!

"Anyway just wanted to clear that one up with everyone cos it's gotten a tad out of hand now."


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