Jodie Marsh wants to ‘start her own party’ to become an MP. Erm, WHAT?

Yep, you read it right - the former glamour model has her sights set on political power

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by Gwendolyn Smith |
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Glamour model turned bodybuilder Jodie Marsh has announced that she’d "start her own party" to be elected as an MP.

"There's so much wrong that needs to changed and people listen to me," the 35-year-old told The Sun.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, given her newfound love of body sculpting, Jodie’s manifesto would centre around health and fitness in a bid to slim down the country. If you weren’t terrified before, we hope you are now.

"I'd get doctors to prescribe personal trainers instead of anti-depressants," Jodie said. Hmmm.

Still, exercise isn’t all that's on the agenda. Jodie would also make it compulsory for children to care for a pet “to teach them responsibility”. So expect Britain to be overrun by frazzled-looking parents chasing around guinea pigs while toddlers squeal excitedly if Jodie's dream comes true.

Still, Jodie isn’t the only glamour model to seek political power. We’re stil scarred by that time Katie Price stood as an independent candidate for a constituency in Greater Manchester. Responsible as ever, Katie pledged to make plastic surgery free for all and to give tax breaks to people having affairs with foreign footballers. Just what the country needs, eh?

Jodie does seem to be taking the campaign more seriously than KP (although, granted, that’s not saying much). And recently she’s turned her image around, making a thought-provoking documentary about Cambodian prostitutes.

But reckon she'd make a good addition to the House of Commons? We're still not convinced.

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