Joni Mitchell “not in a coma” – despite reports to the contrary

We've got our fingers firmly crossed for the singing legend

Joni Mitchell

by Rosie Gizauskas |
Published on

A statement on Joni Mitchell’s official website says that she is NOT in a coma – despite claims made by TMZ.

The official statement from close friend Leslie Morris reads:

"Contrary to rumours circulating on the Internet today, Joni is not in a coma. Joni is still in the hospital - but she comprehends, she’s alert, and she has her full senses.


“A full recovery is expected. The document obtained by a certain media outlet simply gives her longtime friend Leslie Morris the authority - in the absence of 24-hour doctor care - to make care decisions for Joni once she leaves the hospital.

“As we all know, Joni is a strong-willed woman and is nowhere near giving up the fight. Please continue to keep Joni in your thoughts."

The “document” mentioned is thought to refer to a legal paper posted by TMZ which states that Joni is "so impaired as to be incapable of being assessed."

Legendary singer Joni, 71, has been in hospital since she collapsed at the start of the month.

She’s thought to suffer from a controversial condition called Morgellons, which causes crawling and stinging feelings under the skin – however some doctors argue the condition is psychological.

Get well soon, Joni.

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