We thought Justin Beiber had slipped off our radar a bit recently :(.
And so we spent our days reminiscing all those times he was just so darn peculiar this year.
Remember when he went out and about in Amsterdam in the worst disguise known to man?
Oh and remember when he wandered into a random pub in Essex and washed down a lovely meal of fish with a lovely pint of milk?
And who could forget that time he got a SPRAY TAN in Dublin?
Anyway it seems Bieber is well and truly back on bizarre form as he has been on a bit of a rant about Instagram.
The singer broke the hearts of millions of adoring fans when he deleted his Instagram a couple of months ago, and has now revealed he has no plans to get back on the social media app.
In fact he likened it to Satan. Seriously.
Speaking to fans at his concert in London on Tuesday Justin teased: "Who thinks I should get my Instagram back ?"
To which the crowd replied with a huge roar of screams
UMMM, duh?
But then he literally shit on everyone's dreams and said: "I don't want to get my Instagram back. Instagram is for the devil, I'm sure."
Ok, hun.
"I think hell is Instagram. I'm, like, 90 per cent sure," he continued.
So there’s still a 10% chance he could be popping back onto our Insta feed.
Biebs also added: "We get sent to hell and we get locked in the Instagram server, I'm stuck in the DMs, trying to get my way out and I can't. I don't know what I'm talking about."
We literally don't know what you're talking about either bbx.
We're just imagining a little tiny Justin trapped in our Instagram Direct Messenger inbox, trying to get out.
Poor hun.