Justin Bieber’s done with getting in trouble and wants to make music again… Great.

Justin Bieber is reportedly ‘ready to return to work’ after two years of touring/ getting into trouble with the police.


by Fiona Day |
Published on

The pop star shared a brooding black and white Instagram snap on Sunday to break the news to fans/ the world…

He’s pictured standing on a wall, looking down pensively, and written underneath is a caption reading: "I've been on this break for too long.”

The Biebs added the hashtags: “#newmusic #back2work #vacationtimesup #longoverdue.”

(He’s probably NOT thinking about jumping following his disastrous cliff dive last week, guys)

We bet he’s thinking about all the inspiring lyrics he’ll right, drawing on past experiences of getting caught drag racing and peeing into buckets.

Are you looking forward to Justin’s new music?

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