Scooter Braun says Justin Bieber’s breakdown was much worse than people realised

'He was in such a dark place'

Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun

by Gisselle Gaitan |
Published on

Many remember that a few years ago, Justin Bieber was going through some rough patches in his life that included him ending up in jail – a place he swore never to return to again. It’s safe to say that those days are definitely behind him, and the “Love Yourself” singer has completely turned things around for himself personally and professionally with the help of friends and family. Someone who has been through the singer’s side in both thick and thin, is his longtime manager Scooter Braun.

Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun

In a new interview with The Wall Street Journal, Scooter revealed that things with the “Company” singer were actually way worse than they appeared to the public, and he felt responsible for letting them get that way. He said, “It was worse than people realized. I failed him day after day. We were living in hell because he was in such a dark place.”

“Some of the biggest people in the industry, people invested in Justin’s career, told me, ‘It’s over. Focus on something else. That kid is done,’” he continued to say. Obviously Scooter didn’t take their advice, and instead he focused on helping the singer come out on the other side. He did this because he swore to always be there for Justin in any way that he could by admitting, “I made a promise to him when he was 13 that I would never give up on him. I plan on keeping that promise.”

Sticking by his side through the good and bad is what has made the two so close, that they pretty much consider the other an extended family member. So of course like an older brother, he can’t help but be proud of the person he’s become. Scooter admits, “He’s family. I think the relationship is more like a big brother, especially because he’s become a man. I think he’s seen the worst of himself, and to watch him rise out of it was amazing.”

It’s definitely an inspiring thing to see, and are without a doubt proud of Justin for bettering himself. He’s come quite a long way in the past couple of years, and without a doubt will be ready to accomplish even bigger and greater things in the next phase of his career.

This article originally appeared on j-14.

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