The pap that was hit by Justin Bieber’s truck BREAKS HIS SILENCE

Justin bieber

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

Being hit by Justin Bieber's truck would understandably leave you feeling a bit peeved off, but not Maurice Lamont, who described Justin as a 'good kid.'

Justin bieber

Maurice, a LA-based photographer, was hit by a truck on Wednesday evening after him and a swarm of paps followed Justin Bieber as he was leaving a church service.

The pap in question didn't recieve any life-threatening injuries and was taken to a local hospital for x-rays. Justin stayed with Maurice until the paramedics arrived.

Maurice posted a video to his Instagram account with the caption, "WOW WHAT A WAY TO BRING IN MY BIRTHDAY! SHOTGETTER POWER! I WISH BIEBER WAS STILL ON TOUR!!"

In the video, Maurice said, "Hour before my birthday hits, I get ran over by Justin Bieber. Isn’t that something? He’s a good kid, though. I think the truck was a little bit too big for him, though, because there’s no way he could see over the front — it was the slope it was on. But like I said, he got out, he was compassionate, he’s a good kid, accidents happen. Hopefully, everything works out here. Getting ready to go into the X-rays right now.

The video has since been deleted.

Justin has yet to post on social media since the accident.

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