Justin Timberlake shares brand new pics of baby son Silas – AND reveals his first word

Silas is literally a child genius, as he’s apparently talking at five months

Justin Timberlake baby Silas 2

by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Justin Timberlake has confirmed that his five-month-old son Silas has already said his first word – and it was “Dada”.

Appearing on the* Tonight Show* with Jimmy Fallon last night, the singer showed off some brand new photos of the tiny lad with his parents.

His first was of Silas all bundled up in an elephant towel, with mum Jessica Biel giving him a big smooch.

The next one showed Justin holding Silas up to the camera while they watched the golf, and the third was of them both on the sofa with their eyes transfixed by the TV.

“We were watching the PGA championship. [He’s a] good putter. We’re working on his swing, but his putt is great,” Justin joked.

Later, he opened up about his new role as ‘Dada’. “It is the most insanely amazing, wonderful, unbelievable thing to ever happen to you,” he said.

Earlier this year, when Jessica was still pregnant with their son, Justin told his Instagram followers that the baby was going to be his best birthday present ever.

“Thank you EVERYONE for the Bday wishes! This year, I'm getting the GREATEST GIFT EVER. CAN'T WAIT. #BoyOrGirl #YouNeverKnow #WeDontEvenKnow #WeAreTakingBets,” he said.

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