Kanye West was rushed to hospital in Melbourne yesterday after he suffered a migraine, just hours before his final concert in the Australian city.
At the hospital the rapper was taken for an MRI scan, with onlooker Lorraine Kelly – not the Scottish presenter, FYI – saying it was all very tense.
“Everyone was massively panicked, she explained. “Everyone was moved out of the waiting and consulting rooms.”
Lorraine went on to say that her daughter was also ejected from the room by Kanye’s security team.
But after all the panic, the 37-year-old was given a clean bill of health and a source told E!:
“'[Kanye is] fine and didn’t have a major health scare or seizure. He just suffered a migraine and went to the hospital simply as a precaution.” B
etter to be safe than sorry, we suppose. Kanye left the hospital around 4:30pm and carried on with his performance later that evening.
Panic over.