Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s marriage is pushed to the limit at the moment

Kanye's issues have meant big problems

kim kardashian kanye west

by Stevie Martin |
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It's been a rough few months in the Kardashian-West household. First, Kim got robbed at gunpoint in Paris. Then, husband Kanye was admitted to hospital for nine days after an emotional breakdown, while reports leaked of him fighting with doctors and suffering from extreme paranoia.

It was abundantly clear something wasn't right after Kanye finished a show last month after just three songs and a weird rant in which he begged Jay Z to call him in Sacremento.

According to sources, Kanye's behaviour has been pushing Kim to the absolute limit leading to a lot of fighting in their Bel Air home. This strain, among other things, reportedly contributed to the rapper's breakdown.

"Kanye's so used to getting her constant support and coddling, but it's not always about him," one source told Us Weekly.

"She didn't know if she could take it anymore, and this time she refused to support him."

According to the source, Kanye had become unbearable to live with, as he'd be up all night ranting.

"He'd be up drawing, writing and sketching, or pacing and doing push-ups," the source added. "He would not calm down and go to bed."

Other reports have come in that suggest another possible trigger; the timing of Kim's robbery. A source told TMZ Kanye had suffered "nervous breakdown triggered in large part by the anniversary of his mother's death."

Yet more reports suggested it was also to do with drug abuse, with a source telling Hollywood Gossip: "Kanye’s drugs of choice are cocaine and booze, Hennessy specifically. He's got big problems."

They added that Kanye was in the middle of a week-long bender when he was taken to hospital, and that he often goes to a drug den in West Hollywood to get away from everything.

No wonder the marriage is reportedly strained - but Kim is apparently happy he's getting help, and willing to support him as much as she can. Fingers crossed he makes a full recovery.

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