Katie Hopkins sent death threats from online hackers Anonymous

Police have launched an investigation

Katie Hopkins

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Katie Hopkins has been sent death threats via an online video from online hacker group, Anonymous. The video warns Katie to "show us respect" so that she can "feel safe at home".

The TV star lives at home with her husband Mark Cross and her three children. Now police have launched an investigation into the clip, which also threatens to leak Katie's personal details online, which they say will "spread like a disease through the deepest and darkest corners of cyber space."

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A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police told The Mirror: “Police in Westminster are investigating an allegation of malicious communications against a 40-year-old woman reported on Tuesday, 30 June.”

The message from the hacking group, which originated from infamous forum 4Chan, demanded that Katie should take to her Twitter account to apologise to "those who you have caused pain" and "show positivity to those who are hurt by you".

Finally the clip concluded: “This is your only chance to redeem yourself."

Whoever is found guilty of an offence relating to the threats could face up to six months in prison and/or a fine.

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