Katie Price confirms she and cheating husband Kieran Hayler WILL renew their wedding vows

Jordan seems to have put the cheating scandal behind her - for now.

katie price kieran hayler

by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

It’s been a tough few months for Katie Price, what with finding out she was six months pregnant with her surprise fifth child and THEN having to cope with husband Kieran Hayler’s ‘string’ of infidelities – not least his seven-month affair with her ex-best friend Jane Pountney – but it looks like the former glamour model has well and truly put it all behind her.

Because, as heat reports today, she and Kieran are planning to renew their wedding vows in November, despite getting hitched just 20 months ago in January 2013 after a month of dating.

Speaking to a magazine this week, Katie – also known as Jordan – said watching her mate Kerry Katona tying the knot to George Kay earlier this month made her think about getting married again.

She said she and Kieran don’t know what they’re going to do yet, but “we are going to do it this year”.

Katie also addressed those rumours that she and Kerry had fallen out over her bridesmaid dress, saying her body had changed during her pregnancy with eight-week-old baby Bunny and she couldn’t wear anything that wasn’t made to measure.

Meanwhile, as heat reports in this week’s mag, Jordan is plotting out her next autobiography – and this one is set to be her juiciest one yet.

As she wrote on Twitter after the Kieran scandal broke, there is far, far more to the couple’s marriage than Jordan originally let on – and her book could be the perfect place for her to get the whole story out.

A source close to Katie told* heat*: “It’s her ultimate revenge, but she’s saying it will simply tell the truth about anyone who’s ever upset her.

Hmm. Wonder what will come first – the book or the wedding renewal?

Pick up your copy of heat today for all sorts of celebrity gossip, fashion and beauty.

GALLERY: Katie Price pictured on holiday with Kieran Hayler before his affair

Katie Price pictures on holiday with Kieran Hayler before affair

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