There's been yet another curious twist in the Katie Price and Kieran Hayler cheating drama, in which – in case you were in a coma – the pregnant former glamour model branded her third husband a "disgusting human being" on Twitter and accused him of having a seven-month full-blown sexual affair with her best friend Jane Pountney.
But Jane's husband Derrick Pountney has now stepped forward to say the whole thing was blown up disproportionately and that it was all a big misunderstanding.
Emerging from his home in West Sussex after crisis talks were held between all four of them, Derrick explained: "We are good friends of Katie and Kieran's and have been good friends of Katie for a good 20 years.
"A lot of this drama has been a storm in a teacup and there's a lot of misunderstandings to sort out," he continued.
"There has not been a 'full-blown' affair going on, it was more like a drunken kiss."

He added that Katie and Jane – who have been friends for 20 years, ever since Katie was 15 – have had a "good old chat" but he didn't know whether enough could be done to save either marriage.
"Will she and Kieran break up, or could they get back together? I don't really know. As for Jane and I working things out... again, I don't know. This 'affair' has not really happened like it has been portrayed. I've known about it for about four weeks myself. All four of us are good friends, but things between Kieran and Jane just went a bit far," Derrick said.
"Now Katie has gone and put the whole thing for everyone to read about on Twitter, which she didn't really need to do, and a drunk kiss has turned into a full on affair. That's not the case. I knew about what had happened before today, it's not new to me."
He explained how a lot of tears were shed while the talks were ongoing and "all sorts went on", but that things between Katie and Jane are "OK now".
"I was at Katie's house earlier today and brought Kieran round here. I see myself as the peacemaker of the group," Derrick added.
"Everyone is just about on speaking terms now. I hope they can work it out."
It has come out that Derrick acted as both father of the bride and best man when Katie married part-time stripper Kieran, while Jane has been Katie's bridemaid for at least two of her three weddings.