Katie Price leaps to Zoella’s defence after Katie Hopkins’ attack

It's a Twitter menage-a-trois we'd never have predicted… Katie Hopkins' attack on beauty vlogger Zoella leads queen of the ghost-written books Katie Price to jump to her defence.

katie price zoella

by Rachel Liddle |
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In just 24 hours, Zoella quits the internet, Katie Hopkins sticks her oar in, Twitter – and Katie Price – wade in. And Zoella decides quitting Twitter wasn't that fun after all.

Katie Price took to Twitter last night to tell Zoella: “Don't worry @ZozeeBo when others criticise you it means ur doing OK! it also makes u more determined 2 succeed. ur a good girl, keep being happy.”

Coming from someone whose faced a fair bit of criticism for, well, pretty much everything, it could be sound advice. And let's be honest, both Zoella and Katie Price (and a whole load of other people) have suffered at the sharp end of Katie Hopkins' Twitter feed.

Remember last week when Katie Hopkins laid into the Pricey for her out-there Kissable Fierce perfume launch outfit, and told her to hose herself down with disinfectant? Yeah. So does she.

It all follows Zoella's publishers Penguin Random House admitting the 24-year-old had a fair bit of editorial help putting together the best-selling Girl Online, which shifted 80,000 copies in the first week.

As we reported yesterday, Katie Hopkins slammed Zoella. Following the beauty guru dramatically 'quitting the internet' after being criticised for not really writing her own book, which was the world's fastest selling debut.

Hopkins tweeted: “So Zoella, this while Girl On-Line thing. Now you've quit the internet – do you think you ghost writer should re-work the title?”

And Zoella's fans, including Katie Price, hit back. And in the final twist Zoella has broken her self-imposed internet ban in less than one day, saying: “The stuff press write about it literally ridiculous! I AM NOT QUITTING YOUTUBE. Yet again, twisting stuff to gain views. Sad.”

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