Katie Price shares cute snap of Kieran Hayler and baby Jett: “He’ll go mad but I couldn’t resist”

How different does Kieran look with glasses?


by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Katie Price has run the risk of seriously pissing off husband Kieran Hayler by posting a picture of him wearing glasses.

Sharing the snap of him with toddler son Jett on Instagram, Katie even acknowledged that Kieran wouldn’t like her showing it to the public.

“Kieran will go mad but I couldn't resist how cute this picture is they just sent me,” she captioned the shot.

It shows the dad-son team both sticking out their tongues at the camera, with what looks like Katie’s super-plush headboard behind them.

It’s the latest in a long stint of Katie posting family pictures – she also shared this adorable one of Princess, now eight, as a baby. Look at those giant eyes!

We’ve not heard much of the ex-glamour model lately. Mostly she’s been filming stuff about being a mum with Rochelle Humes, and, er, launching her new line of glitzy shoes for women and children.

And uploading photos of her third husband that he’s going to be annoyed about, obvs.

Katie Price parties at Brighton nightclub


Katie Price parties at Brighton nightclub

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