The season of goodwill is well and truly over, people. How do we know? Just take a look at the recent social mediaings of Katie Price for starters…
Yep, the 36-year-old former glamour model has put paid to the whole ‘New Year, new you’ thing with a couple of pot-shots at her ex-best friend Jane Pountney, who last year had an affair with Katie’s third husband Kieran Hayler.
While Katie – aka Jordan – originally said she was divorcing Kieran, she eventually decided to stay with him while she had their daughter Bunny.
But Jane didn’t receive quite the same forgive-and-forget attitude from her good mate – instead Katie castigated her online and in the press, calling her a homewrecker, “ugly” and several other choice words.
And she hasn’t finished yet. Last night, Jordan shared a bunch of pictures on her yougossip profile, including two of Jane’s face that looked like they’d seen a LOT of Photoshop action. This was despite saying, literally SIX DAYS AGO, that she wasn't going to mention Jane or her other ex-friend Chrissy Thomas again. Oops.

“Wooops didn’t mean to put up Jane Pountney from Storrington up who now has no friends for sleeping with her best friends husbands whole wife pregnant,” she typed, presumably while her five-month-old baby bashed the keyboard. We think she means her best friend’s husband’s wife WHILE pregnant? TBH it could be anything.
Jordan also accused Jane of sleeping with Kieran for ten months, which is three months longer than she originally told the public back in May last year, when the news of her husband’s infidelity first emerged. Hmm.
Meanwhile, Katie and Kieran are still planning to renew the vows any day now and want to have a Frozen theme, according to Closer.
Which is weird, because it seems she can't quite Let It Go yet. GEDDIT?
GALLERY: Katie Price before and after plastic surgery - check out her mind-blowing transformation
Katie Price before and after plastic surgery

Katie Price: 1995 - aged 16

Katie Price: 1995 - aged 16

Katie Price: 12th February 1999

Katie Price: 1999 - aged 19

Katie Price: 2001 - aged 21

Katie Price: 31st May 2001

Katie Price: 1st September 2003

January 2004 - I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

Katie Price: 1st April 2004

Katie Price: 25th August 2004

Katie Price: 16th September 2004

Katie Price: 13th January 2005

Katie Price: 24th May 2005

Katie Price: 23rd August 2005

Katie Price: 29th January 2006

Katie Price: 5th July 2006

Katie Price: 31st October 2006

Katie Price: 12th November 2006

Katie Price: 12th November 2006

Katie Price: 13th November 2006

Katie Price: 27th November 2006

Katie Price: 24th January 2007

Katie Price: 11th April 2007

Katie Price: 8th June 2007

Katie Price: 20th August 2007

Katie Price: 12th February 2008

Katie Price: 5th March 2008

Katie Price: 3rd April 2008

Katie Price: 17thApril 2008

Katie Price: 17th July 2008

Katie Price: 17th July 2008

Katie Price: 4th August 2008

Katie Price: 30th September 2008

Katie Price: 10th October 2008

Katie Price: 15th November 2008

Katie Price: 20th November 2008

Katie Price: 18th February 2009

Katie Price: 14th April 2009

Katie Price: 3rd September 2009

Katie Price: 21st October 2009

Katie Price: 15th January 2010

Katie Price: 11th February 2010

Katie Price: 9th April 2010

Katie Price: 29th June 2010

Katie Price: 21st July 2010

Katie Price: 27th July 2010

Katie Price: 9th August 2010

Katie Price: 25th November 2010

Katie Price: 7th September 2011

Katie Price: 10th October 2011

Katie Price: 19th January 2012 - with Amy Willerton!

Katie Price: 7th March 2012

Katie Price: 29th May 2012

Katie Price: 28th August 2012

Katie Price: 10th October 2012

Katie Price: 7th November 2012

Katie Price: 26th March 2013

Katie Price: 12th May 2013

Katie Price: 18th June 2013

Katie Price: 4th July 2013

Katie Price: 22nd October 2013

Katie Price: 9th February 2014

Katie Price: 4th June 2014

Katie Price: 22nd July 2014

May 2015

