Katie Waissel says Chloe Khan washed her vagina in the CBB sink after sex with Bear


Katie Waissel

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

We have to take our hats off to Stephen Bear and Chloe Khan – they successfully delivered us the weirdest / grossest / shittest sounding sexual encounter we have heard in our lives.

Chloe Khan Stephen Bear

It was excellent tele.

Earlier this week, it sounded very much like they had sex in the Celebrity Big Brother toilet. We don't know for sure as we couldn't see anything, but you could hear EVERYTHING.


Stephen Bear and Chloe Khan

They scampered into the bathroom on the guise of looking for "face wipes". We don't believe for a second that's what they were actually doing, but we guessed at the time they may have come in handy later…

Stephen Bear and Chloe Khan

But it seems the face wipes weren't quite enough, as Katie Waissel has claimed that Chloe washed her vagina in the sink after the encounter.

We're glad we never have to use that sink.

Speaking in the Diary Room, Katie told Big Brother that she thought they'd slept together and that the thought of them getting it on made her uncomfortable (we're with ya there, Katie).

Katie Waissel

She also claimed that Chloe headed into the toilet to use the sink to… erm… clean herself out after the session.

What a lovely image that's been burnt into our heads forever, thanks for that Katie.

She said: "I don’t know as a fact, I just know through the grapevine it happened and then Chloe went to the toilet to wash that bit"

We're all in a state of constant alarm / disgust at Chloe and Bear's antics – but no one more so than Bear's GIRLFRIEND Lille Lexie Grace, who has recently been consoled by none other than Sam Reece. If you'll remember, he went through EXACTLY the same thing during the whole Stephanie Davis – Jeremy McConnell saga.

AND it's also been reported that Chloe is MARRIED.

Err… why have these two picked literally THE WORST PLACE IN THE WORLD to go and cheat?

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