INSTAGRAM BEEF! Kendall Jenner dethrones sister Kim Kardashian with most likes EVER!

Ooh sister Instagram war.

Screen Shot 2015-07-01 at 12.10.42

by Maria Vallahis |
Published on

Kendall Jenner did not "break the internet' like her sister Kim Kardashian did with *that *bum snap posted on Instagram, but she's won on the most likes EVER on Instagram, thus beating her big sis. Ha, take that Kim.

The model has outdone her sister with the most likes on a picture on Instagram. Let the social media beef commence...

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Kendall's picture (below) - where she is lying on the floor posing with her eyes shut and her hair perfectly styled into heart shapes - has received 2.7 million likes on Insta, while Kimmy's - kissing Kanye - wedding snap only got 2.4 million likes. Boo.

The picture to dethrone Kim's wedding day snap.

Kendall's picture was only uploaded to the social media site in May (5 weeks ago) while Kim's snap has had time to amass likes as it was posted 13 months ago.

Kim's dethroned 'most liked' image on Instagram.

Amazingly, Kendall tweeted her joy by posting: "take that KimYe!"

Kim has yet to respond to her little sister's tweet. Is she preparing something to surpass her likes? Who will win? We hate to admit that we're quite excited by this.

Let us know your thoughts via @heatworld Twitter and Facebook.


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