Khloe Kardashian strips down for sexiest photoshoot yet – and she looks PHENOMENAL

The famous sister took a leaf out of Kim Kardashian’s book for once

Khloe Kardashian Complex cover

by Emmeline Saunders |
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Khloe Kardashian looks AMAZING stripped down for Complex sports shoot

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Khloe Kardashian Complex retouched comparison

Khloe Kardashian looks INCREDIBLE in the photoshoot for Complex magazine’s cover story – and she reckons this is her sexiest shoot ever.

Posing in adidas and Moshino sportswear, Khloe gets her bum out for one shot and sits spread-legged on a basketball for another. Just b-cos.

Speaking to the August/September issue of the mag, Khloe opened up about a range of things – including her half-sister Kylie Jenner’s relationship with rapper Tyga.

Doesn’t this sound like a confirmation that the couple are getting to know each other…biblically? Even though Kylie is still technically underage at 17?

“I think at 16 I was probably f**king someone that was in their 20s, for sure. I wouldn’t say I was even dating, probably just sleeping with them. But again Kylie is not a normal 17 year old,” Khloe pointed out.

“You’re not gonna say, ‘Hey, so what are you doing this weekend?’ and have her say, ‘Having a slumber party at my girlfriend’s’, or ‘Going to prom’. That’s not what Kylie does.”

She also spoke about stepdad Caitlyn Jenner’s transition from her former identity as Bruce Jenner, saying the rest of the family were hurt by Caitlyn’s decision to keep the news to herself.

“[Bruce and I] are the closest out of the Kardashian kids. I think what hurt me the most was that we as a family wanted to be a part of his transitioning. I could imagine that it’s so lonely. Don’t you want people to support you and be there with you? But then I don’t know if that’s a selfish request,” she said.

“He spoke to us about six months prior and said that he’s always dressed up in women’s clothing. We used to find them. I just never told my mom because…we all didn’t know.”

But, Khloe said, she’ll continue to stick up for everyone around her.

“I am a lion and these are my cubs. Don’t f**k with my cubs ’cause I will rip your head off.”

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