One day, when we’re all stalking around in our Kardashian-branded jumpsuits (“only 85% viscose!”), driving our Kardashian-branded hover-cars (“run on the blood of my enemies!” – Kris Jenner) and studying for our Kardashian-branded degrees (“learn how to release your OWN fabulous sex tape! Skeevy boyfriends NOT included”), we will rue the day we let the Kardashian klan take over the intimate running of our lives. Unfortunately for the world, that day was yesterday.
Yep, Kim Kardashian actually stopped a fan who took a picture of her in Melbourne, Australia, and demanded to see what it looked like.
The image reportedly didn’t pass muster, so Kim enkouraged the teenage boy to delete it and take another of her. Amazing.
“Once she found out I wanted to put one on Instagram, she just wanted to make sure that it was appropriate,” 16-year-old Daniel Walker told the Daily Mail Australia.
“She said, ‘Would you mind if I quickly looked at it, just if it’s going on Instagram I want to make sure that nothing is too revealing?’,” he explained.
“Then she said, ‘I don't know if I really like that’, and I said ‘Ya that’s fine’, so then we took another one.”
We all know how much Kim loves a selfie, but was her quest for perfection actually driven by the presence of her husband Kanye West?
The couple, who married in May this year, were in the Australian city for the launch of Kanye’s Yeezus pop-up shop, which sounds like it was laughed so hard out of Shoreditch that it had to go halfway round the world to open.
But according to the few, er, lucky people who were allowed inside the store while their Highnesses were there, Kanye was actually “pretty chilled”.
Given that he’s still on a 24-month probation after escaping jail for beating up a photographer last summer, it’s probably for the best.