In Kim Kardashian’s defence: kids are really small. And, like, it’s not like they make any beeping or vibrating noise, like an iPhone notification does, to let you know that they are there and that they need food and whatever? So it is pretty easy to forget to take your firstborn child when you’re doing your patented strut-to-the-SUV-while-wearing-a-high-fashion-outfit walk, like Kim did this week in Paris.
While debuting her latest moth-eaten glamour ensemble, Kim did everything right: sunglasses on, head at a flattering angle but subtly tilted down, determined and focused walk to her awaiting taxi. Only, darn it, she forgot North West. Cue a slightly less glamorous walk back into the Le Royal Conceau in Paris to go and retrieve her. Listen: happens to us all. Don’t sweat it too much, Kim. Only one or two hundred cameramen got the footage of it happening. Barely anyone noticed.