Kim Kardashian promises brand new naked selfie

It has been a while…

Kim Kardashian

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

Like the internet? Well TOO BAD, because it's about to get well and truly BROKEN - as Kim Kardashian has apparently promised a brand new naked selfie.

And if there's one thing Kim K does well, it’s a getting naked and having her picture taken.

The first internet busting pic came when she posed on the front of Paper magazine, looking shiny and balancing a champagne glass on her arse. It was rilly weird.

Kim Kardashian paper

She also hit back at haters who claimed she was lying about her upcoming new-born by posting a PREGNANT naked mirror selfie. Fair enough.

Then came the naked mirror selfie that prompted a whole lot of controversy – including from Chloe Grace Moretz, who tweeted: @KimKardashian I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than- - just our bodies."

There was also this one – we can't remember what the context was (DOES SHE NEED A CONTEXT?)

If you'd like to learn more about each and every naked selfie Kim's ever done (which would be kinda weird, but each to their own), you can view our collection here.

And the collection is seemingly about to grow by one more…

Speaking at the #BlogHer16 conference, she said: "Have I posted a nude selfie since I lost all my baby weight? I don't think so. Get ready."

Oh, Kim, you're SUCH a tease.

She continued: “[I post nude selfies] because I feel good about myself. You can just get so caught up in not wanting to be motivated, so I made it a really important thing for my confidence and for me to feel good.”

We wonder what the theme will be this time…

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