The Taylor Swift / Kanye West / Kim Kardashian saga was hands down THE story of 2016. Never before had we woken up to such an exciting Monday.

If you don’t know what we’re on about, firstly – WHERE ON EARTH have you been? And secondly, you can catch up here.
A whole load of shit went down because of the ordeal – Khloe Kardashian posted a photo of what she thought was a 19-year-old Chloe Moretz’s bare arse (it wasn't), there was that rumour that Kimye were going to prison, then that rumour they definitely weren’t going to prison.
It was an eventful time, basically.
Despite Kim initially having very little to do with the feud (which was, in a nutshell, because Taylor feigned anger about one of Kanye’s lyrics she’d actually agreed to), she revealed in an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that she’d do anything to protect her husband.

But Kim has stayed weirdly quiet since the ordeal. If we were her and we’d just won one of the most publicised feuds in LITERALLY AGES, we’d prob stroll around the streets in a golden crown basking in our success.
But she’s now hinted her reasoning behind releasing the tapes in a video she filmed with BFF Jonathan Cheban.

In it, she seems to throw some serious shade Taylor’s way by discussing “clapping back”.
She says: “When I feel like someone’s being fake is the time that I’ll say something. And it’s usually really publicly. I personally take the high road most of the time.
“I just don’t care. I always think: ‘Will I be affected by it in a week? Will I be affected in a month, or in a year?’ And the answer is usually: ‘No.’”
“My tip on clapping back is just do whatever makes you feel good. Like, if you feel like talking shit to someone, go for it.”