We feel SO reassured and generally less rubbish about our civilian lives now that Kim Kardasian has informed us about the fact that she doesn’t use filters on her photos.
Actually, we do feel sort of better. It’s because Kim CAN’T WORK OUT HOW TO DO IT…
Kim also told the Hollywood Reporter that she looks after her own social media account with NO HELP (wow! Good job, Kimmy).
"I don't have help," she said. "No one else runs my social media. It's whatever I feel like posting. From collages and screen grabs and cropping, it's a whole process, and I do it.
"I also don't do filters. I can't ever figure it out, and I don't like the way they look, so I'd rather not bother."
Kim, even our cat could work out how to use a filter on a photo.
And what’s more, we don’t believe you. Because we’ve all seen your most probably-Photoshopped photos with curious inward-curving walls etc etc and we reckon you’re not as silly as you’re making out.
However, Kim did confirm one very exciting piece of news. BRUCE JENNER HAS A SECRET INSTAGRAM.
"My stepdad has a secret account. He told me that he set it up so he can see what my sisters are doing, too."
Now that is one Instagram we’d like to see. We wonder what on earth Brucey’s secret photos are of…?!