Kim Kardashian Snapchats Kanye Snoring And It’s GREAT

kim kardashian snapchat

by Stevie Martin |
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Kim is fast becoming a must-follow on snapchat - first she shared incredibly cute pics of North as Elsa from Frozen, now we've got some excellent insights into what it's like to sleep in a bed with Kanye West.

In a word, it's snorey. And no, that's not technically a word.

First came the tweet, which thankfully got the response it deserved (loads of people replying 'YES PLEASE')

It's now 4:37 and I still can't sleep! Kanye is snorring. Should i snap this?— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) May 21, 2016

Then came the snapchat, which is enough to make us actually bother to download snapchat.

In London, it seems like Kim is suffering from a spot of jetlag-based insomnia. "It's 4am and I can't sleep," she says, while still wearing mascara and eyeliner (Kim, you could get an eye infection mate. Take your makeup off).

Kanye then gets involved and basically tells her to be quiet by putting his hand over her mouth. He then makes some mad sing-y (again, not a word) sounds before passing out again. Understandably, because it's 4am.

Hey, Kim and Kanye are just like us! Except they're not. But they still do things like not be able to sleep and make mad sing-y noises while midway between sleeping and waking. It's almost as if tKim and Kanye aren't obots from another planet.

Can't get enough of Kim? She's not the only Kardashian on Snapchat...

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