Kim Kardashian to take the stage at the VMAs

Alongside Kanye…

Kim Kardashian

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

We having a sneaking suspicion that shit’s going to GO DOWN at this year’s MTV VMA Awards.

Shit literally always goes down at these awards, and this one happens to be the first since THAT Taylor Swift versus Kim Kardashian and Kanye West feud.

IF you don’t know the one, seriously what the HELL have you been doing with your life? Also, you can catch up here

The potential for dramz is increased STILL MORE by the fact that Kimye will BOTH be taking the stage. Kim will be presenting an award for the second time (she once gave one to Sam Smith lol), and Kanye will be given an four minute slot to say whatever the f*ck he wants.

Last year he said he was going to run for president, so we’re guessing it’ll be a good’un.

We’re guessing some SERIOUS SHADE will be coming Taylor’s way.

The situation is made even more awk by the fact that he’s nominated for both Video Of The Year and Best Male Video for Famous (which was the song that started this whole saga in the first place).

Kim has surprisingly stayed relatively quiet since she posted perhaps the most contro Snapchat OF ALL TIME (even worse than Marco Pierre White Jr filming himself having sex).

If we were her and we’d just won one of the most publicised feuds in LITERALLY AGES, we’d prob stroll around the streets in a golden crown basking in our success.

But she did hint at her reasoning behind releasing the tapes in a video she filmed with bezzie mate Jonathan Cheban.

In it, she seems to throw some serious shade Taylor’s way by discussing “clapping back”.

She says: “When I feel like someone’s being fake is the time that I’ll say something. And it’s usually really publicly. I personally take the high road most of the time.

“I just don’t care. I always think: ‘Will I be affected by it in a week? Will I be affected in a month, or in a year?’ And the answer is usually: ‘No.’”

“My tip on clapping back is just do whatever makes you feel good. Like, if you feel like talking shit to someone, go for it.”

Read more: Kim Kardashian's surgery obssession is 'out of control'

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