Remember when you were at school and you had to write to yourself listing everything you hoped you'd accomplish by the time you left school? And most of it you didn't actually accomplish? Well, Kim Kardashian has jumped on that letter-writing bandwagon, albeit a few years too late. Kim, who is Glamour magazine's July cover star, has taken to the old pen and paper (or marble laptop should we say, which btw is gonna look sooooo 2015 by the time she rereads the letter) as an excuse to mainly compliment herself, remind herself which Kardashian is going out with who, and accidentally insult Kylie Jenner by not listing anything she's up to and simply saying 'Being Kylie!'
Kim is writing to the future Kim in ten years, so the idea is to reread the letter in 2025. But thanks to the marvel of the Internet, the letter writing thing has kind of lost its novelty, no? We buried ours under a stone in the back garden. Maybe she should bury that marble laptop too.