Woah, woah, woah! What’s this all about?! Kourtney Kardashian may be considering taking estranged boyfriend Scott Disick back.
The couple recently split after pictures emerged of Lord Disick cosying up to an ex while on holiday in Europe.
Kourtney and Scott met for the first time since the pictures emerged this week so he could see their children Mason, Penelope and Reign, but it's now thought Kourtney may be thinking of giving Scott another chance despite all their issues over the years.
A source told People magazine: “Scott is not totally out of the picture. She hasn’t made a final decision. Right now, she’s just living day to day.
“She’s not begging him to see the kids, but she also hasn’t definitely said ‘I’m never letting him back in again.’”
Keeping Up With the Kardashians star Kourtney is frightened of what the future might hold without Scott there to support her when he’s on his best behaviour.
And the prospect of difficult times ahead are apparently making her think twice about her plans.
The source added: “For the first time, she’s taking a hard look at what her new reality could look like.
“Before she just assumed nothing would really change, but now there’s a strong possibility of life without him, and that’s a scary thought for her.
“She was doing most of the work already, but at the end of the day, she would still turn into a single mum of three kids.
“She’s figuring it out and taking it as it comes.”
GALLERY: 101 Kardashian fashion disasters for you to feast your eyes upon
101 Kardashian fashion disasters for you to feast your eyes upon

Socks appeal
Getting crafty with Kris' old hosiery, were we?

Getting pleathered
Where would one even buy tasselled pleather cowboy boots AND a matching pleather panelled dress?

Thigh nigh
Having to be physically cut out of a pair of boots is probably a sign they're not the best buy

Lady in waiting
If Kim had a silver platter, we'd take her to be a member of a catering company

Sacking off
A shapeless dance sack is not appropriate red carpet attire. Sorry, Kris

Leathering up
We hate to break it to you Kris, but nobody over the age of 30 should be wearing double leather

Super furry animal
We dread to think how many poor animals died only for an outfit to look this hideous

Jump for your life
Part dress, part jumpsuit, but definite no-no

Pulling shapes
Except you won't be pulling anyone in that get-up Mrs J

Lady in lace
We sincerely hope there's a zip at the back of that for health and safety reasons alone

The Amazing Spiderwoman
Someone's hoping for an invite to Spiderman 3...

Nighty night
On the plus side, at least Kim won't have to change much when she gets ready for a snooze

Wet wet wet
Kim handled having oil poured all over her really well considering

Mulleting over
We do hope Kylie's covered up under that mullet coat. We'll ignore the fishnet boots as they make our eyes hurt too much

Brace yourself
Literally. Looks like Kim was very concerned about those puppies going astray

Ready for bed
Alright, Kourtney. It's not bedtime yet


The Kardashian harem
One of Kim's unfortunate maternity wardrobe mistakes which we just can't bring ourselves to forget

Snoody fox
How clever of Khloe to fashion a snood out of a jumper dress

Pocket it
Lost a bit of your dress? Just borrow a bit of your hubby's pocket square instead

She was a skater girl
A skater boy hoodie fashioned into a dress - why not? THIS IS WHY NOT

We see your true colours
Just the grossest colour we've ever seen basically

Hell for leather
Literally. This top is hell personified

If a dog ate a Magnum and then threw up all over your dress, this is what it would look like

A bit of all white
In fact, a lot of all white. And that's definitely just all white, not all right

Baggy trousers
Now we know where the inspiration for Madness' song came from

(Un)sweet charity
One of Kris' charity bin cast-offs?

Could a cheaper looking fabric exist if it tried?

Sergeant Kardashian reputing for duty, ice-cream in hand

Doing things by scarves
When you can't find your people to hold your accessories, just make them a part of your dress

Knit wit
Kim accidentally stretched Kanye's jumper in the wash so decided to wear it as a skirt instead

Primary fashion
Has a primary school class' entire box of art supples spilled over poor Kylie's dress?

All tied up
That's what you should be Kourt. Arrested for unmentionable crimes to the fashion industry

All penned in
Seriously, that primary school class need to be more careful with their felt tips

Beach ready
Who cares if it's a red carpet eh Kris? No need to change from your sunbathing stint on the shores

PVC to the max
To be fair, if Pepsi Max paid us £5k to wear this outfit we wouldn't say no either

Child's play
Cracking pins, but did you really need to wear a child's dress to show them off?

Bandaged up
Thank God Kylie's moved onto much more fashionable ground (literally) these days

Now where's that bottle? That genie needs to climb back in, pronto

West is not best
The ultimate sacrifice: wearing your husband's awful shoe designs

Getting hitched
When your dress isn't quite short enough, just keep hitching up and nobody will notice

Pull yourself to-leather (please don't)
Seriously, what is it with the momager and leather?

Gold digger
Well that's certainly one way of attracting attention...

Straight laced
A corset from Gulliver's Travels? We think not, Kris

Kolonel Mustard
Not exactly the world's most flattering shade

Sheer horror
Talking of caterers, now here's another lady who's fallen into waiting on tables

Austin Kowers
That's right Kourt, you should be cowering away in this awful shift dress

Close the curtain
No joke, we do actually think this is a real life curtain

Hooking up
We see Pretty Woman was on at the weekend...

Jump (please don't)
If you're going to wear something of Hugh Hefner's, you could've at least tit-taped yourself into it, Kim

Off the cuff
Are those actual metal cuffs around Kourt's ankles? We've seen some pretty horrific sights, but we're seriously worried about her pain threshold now

Through the keyhole
Keyhole tops are like sooooo '90s

Gangster chic with leopard accessories has never been a 'thing.' Sorry KJ

Full fringe
Been frolicking in a lavender field, Kourtney?

It's a wrap
We just wish that whole day was so that outfit can't penetrate our poor eyeballs anymore

Daring to bare
We can only hope this was in response to a dare. Otherwise there is absolutely no explanation

Reaching for the pot of gold
Khloe was very happy about competing in the Irish Dancing Championships

Really. It's OK to wear clothes that fit you sometimes

In leopardy
Leopard jumpsuits can be cool. But not if they involve palazzo pants and a lace-up front

We must admire the fact you managed to stretch an old tiara under your boobs, Khlo

Trench warfare
Paying homage to Scotland in this leather jacket with tartan trim. We don't think the Scots will be too thrilled, mind you...

Silver surfer
Did Scott Disick give Kourtney his old trews? How kind

Jumping jumping
Maybe if you could just jump away, we'd never have to see that pantsuit again

Suited and booted
Somehow we think we prefer the navy suit on Cara Delevingne

Sew no
Had an accident with the sewing machine, did you?

Feeling fierce
If there's one thing we've gauged about this family, it's that they are deffo not afraid of leopard print

Plastic fantastic
Lee from 911 called. He wants his jacket back

Creme de la creme de la creme...de la creme
Nobody can pull off top-to-toe cream, love

French miss
Part beach babe, part Parisian artist

Time traveller
Been raiding Romy and Michele's costume cupboard? Surely you could've found something better than that old thing

Scouting about
Joining the girl scouts, are we Kylie?

Reuse and recycle
And here's another way you can recycle your mum's old tights. Just in case the others weren't up your street

This is the kind of pattern we'd hope to see at the end of a kaleidoscope. Not on the red carpet

Feeling blue
How fresh faced does Kourtney look here? Let's just focus on that and not look down...

Walking on sunshine
Katrina (And The Waves) would be proud of this. Nobody else is

What a mesh
Turning yet another old pair of Kris Jenner's tights into a top. Such a resourceful family

Er, Kim? Your flies are undone

Winging it
Putting a whole new meaning to the term 'bingo wings'

Slipping up
We know they're comfy, but your grandad's slippers are never meant to be seen outside

Get your crocs off
Remember that song by Jimmy Nail called Crocodile Shoes? Well erm, yeah...

Sheerly does it
We bet that photographer was a happy chappy

Just beachy
Has Kendall been combing the beach to make her weird shell sleeves?

Flower power
Those flowers are certainly powerful. But not for the right reasons

Lady in red
Oi Kourt, have you got any shoes under there?

A cuppa tee
A stretchy old t-shirt simply will not suffice as an entire dress, Mrs West

Bandaging up
At first glimpse, we actually thought Kim had suffered a serious stomach injury

In the pink
So that's where all the Pink Ladies' jackets from Grease got to...

Flare mare
Someone's been digging out their old B*Witched albums...

Disco dolly
How sweet! If you were going to an under-18s disco, that is

Pantomime Dame
Yes you've got the part. Now go and change

Scoring a Birdie
Big Bird called. He wants his feathers back

Glitz n' tits
What more could we ask for?

Don't be a square
Correction: don't wear a square

Dance dance
Does this photo remind anyone else of being dropped off in the car park by the parents before the school disco?

War and peace
We'll tell you when we'll peace out. When outfits like this don't exist anymore

Club strip
Just in case you're wondering, yep this really is Kimmy K. But as to why she's dressed like a secretarial stripper, we have absolutely no idea

Buckle up
Fancy a bigger belt buckle, Kim?

Mad for mono
Back in the day, KK was all about matching EVERYTHING

Peachy keen
Those poor bosoms don't have any room to breathe! Thankfully these days they have lots more