We freak the f*ck out when we so much as think of anything happening to our battered old 2005 reg Ford Fiesta (just THINK of the no claims bonus).
So the thought of spending $250,000 (lol) on a BRAND NEW ROLLS ROYCE and then CRASHING IT JUST A WEEK LATER makes us want to cry and give our sweet little shitty cars a cuddle. Obviously we'll never be in anything even remotely resembling that situation, but still.
Kris Jenner is one woman who was (and probably one of the few who ever will be), as she crashed the car while driving on the freeway near her home in Calabasas.

She's apparently completely fine bar a hurt wrist, but we imagine it must have been pretty darn traumatic (the car is not in a good way...).
She collided with a Prius whose driver had run a red light (we would really NOT want to be that person RN…), and was treated by paramedics at the scene.
The crash turned into literally the most star-studded accident we have ever seen – Kylie Jenner, Khloe Kardashian AND Kanye West turned up to be there for her.

Fans were quick to flock to Kylie's Twitter to check on her wellbeing after thinking she'd been in the crash, and she reassured them that all was fine.

Despite her husband Kanye being at the scene, Kim Kardashian was nowhere to be seen. We imagine she was probably off crying somewhere about her broken Blackberry or being cut from The Hills.
She updated her fans via social media yesterday that her previous Blackberry had broken and that she, God forbid, might have to GET A SECOND IPHONE TO REPLACE IT.
We don't know who we feel sorrier for - Kim or Kris.