Kris Jenner ‘does nothing to discourage Kylie Jenner’s plastic surgery obsession’

The star's face seems to be always changing


by Owen Tonks |
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Kylie Jenner’s face is something of a modern day wonder of the world – one day she’s a fresh-faced girl and the next day she’s aged a few years and has lips so plump it’s like someone’s inflated them with a bicycle pump.

The Keeping Up With the Karadshians star insists her giant pads of lips are all down to clever make-up and not lip fillers in any way whatsoever.

But it seems there may be more than meets the eye when it comes to Kylie’s changing appearance – her mother Kris Jenner is reportedly doing nothing to discourage her interest in plastic surgery.

The 17-year-old, who sparked speculation this week she’s had a boob job, may be slapping the, er, slap on her lips as a rehearsal for something more permanent.


According to Life & Style, Kylie “seems obsessed with looking older” and “is obsessed with lip injections”.

The insider added: “[Kris] is constantly saying how beautiful [Kylie's older sister] Kendall is and doesn’t say the same thing about Kylie.

“Kris has always encouraged plastic surgery and has told Kylie how procedures like fillers and lip plumpers can make a huge difference.”

While it’s not been confirmed that Kris has given permission for Kylie to go ahead with any procedures, she’s been open about the fact she’s been under the knife herself in the past.

Bazooka central! Has a boob job occurred here?

Even though Kris is apparently constantly talking about how pretty Kendall is, it seems it’s not her older sister Kylie aspires to be – the reality star is said to want to look like actress Angelina Jolie.

The source said: “Kylie wants to look just like Angelina Jolie. She wants Angie’s lips… It’s also why she has sort of a dark style. Kylie wants that image, edge and sex appeal…

“Kylie is absolutely acting out. She tries to get attention by dressing provocatively. It’s textbook.”

GALLERY: Kylie Jenner's lips before and after


Kylie Jenners lips - before and after 'plastic surgery'

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