Does Kylie Jenner have a false bottom?

Spoiler: yes and no.

Kylie Jenner\\\'s bottom.

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

That Kylie Jenner. She's not behind in putting her behind forward. Or something.

But the question that's got fans of Kylie in a tizz is: is her behind real? Or is it a FAKE BOTTOM?

It's a mystery! Call, err, Hercule Poo-roit.

The storm has arisen following a post Kylie, who sees herself as the new queen of social media, made to Snapchat of her quite remarkable looking behind.

What a lotta botty.

She posted the snap with the caption: "These new spanx are bomb. From target."

A fan then commented: "LMAO Kylie just posted a picture on snapchat and you can see her butt pads!"

To which Kylie replied: "They are Spanx…here's the link if you want some ;)."

And while the Spanx do not contain butt pads, they do have "rear pockets that release for a perky backside".

Sort of like a little airbag for each butt cheek.

Good Lord. Give us an M&S brief any day.

Kylie Jenner's bottom then. Both real and not real. Glad we cleared that one up.

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