Kylie Jenner is DONE with yo sh*t. You hear that? She done. It’s over.
Snaps fingers
Does a sassy hair flip
Drops microphone (she has a microphone in this scenario we’re painting btw)
Posts aeroplane emoji
Why? Why is Kylie Jenner done? Well, she’s taken to Twitter to vent as she’s heard “everything that could possibly be said” about herself, and she doesn’t care anymore.
The 18 year old, who just hit 12million followers on Twitter, could be talking about any number of stories that have circulated about her.
For instance:
Fake claims that she crashed her Ferrari hours after getting it
Stories that she might have had plastic surgery (she later admitted to having lip fillers)

BUT it could also been a nod to those claims that she might be brewing a baby after posting “hey lil’ tummy” on Instagram. However, it was MUCH more likely she was just referencing her tiny, flat, tummy. If we had abs like Kylie Jenner we’d forever be shirtless, or just wear crop tops like Ted from Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure.
So there we have it. Kylie Jenner has had enough of bogus stories, but she’s posted a plane emoji, so odds are she’s flying off somewhere nice and that’ll take her mind off of it. Thank goodness.
Kylie Jenner sexy photoshoot 18th birthday







