It’s easy to think Kyle Jenner has it all: fame, an incredible family, a Ferrari.
But Kylie would like you to know that she’s not immune to the bullies, and sometimes is reduced to tears by people’s cruel comments.
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Kylie has been posting a series of anti-bullying messages to her 34.9million (blimey) Instagram followers and the latest highlights the case of Lizzie Velasquez, a 26-year-old Texan.
As Kylie says: “When Lizzie Velasquez (@LittleLizzieV) was 17 years old, someone posted a video of her on YouTube calling her “the world’s ugliest woman. “ By the time I saw the video, it had 4 million views…
“Lizzie suffers from a rare congenital disease that less than 10 people in the world are known to have. The disease impedes her from accumulating body fat; she literally has zero per cent body fat and has never weighed more than 64 pounds.”
Lizzie now works as a motivational speaker for teenagers, encouraging them to accomplish their dreams.
But Lizzie’s story stirred up the emotions of 18-year-old Kylie, who’s already achieved more than your average teenager (and earned more money that we ever will in our entire lives – sad but true).
Kylie told her Instagram fans: “People are so quick to say horrible things about me everyday over and over and sometimes I can't take it. “Even I at times get affected by it, I breakdown, I hide, I cry. It's resulted in a lot of anxiety for me that I've never had to deal with before ever.
“My every move has been documented for the whole world and it’s been a nightmare trying to find myself through all of this. And I've absolutely lost apart of myself.
“Lizzie, you are so strong and I admire you so so much. Lizzie has taken that negative energy and has turned it around.”
Maybe we could all learn a little from Lizzie too.
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Kylie Jenner sexy photoshoot 18th birthday







