Nip slip alert! Lady Gaga makes a bit of a boob and flashes her nipple in selfie

The singer gave fans a bit more than she bargained for in a plane selfie - or did she?


by Owen Tonks |
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We wear clothes for many reasons – to keep warm, to hide our dodgy bits and to generally keep ourselves out of trouble with the law.

But it seems Lady Gaga isn’t that interested in keeping every inch of her body under wraps.

The singer had a rather brilliant wardrobe malfunction while going about her business on Friday.

Gaga was heading to The Yellowstone Club in Montana for a chat about art, as you do, and she was wearing one of her totally average outfits, as per normal.

However, there’s one part of her outfit the star forgot – her bra.

The musician posted a picture of herself on her Facebook page which may have revealed a little more than she hoped.

Ol’ Gaga can be seen looking into the camera seemingly unaware her nipple is completely on show. Oops.

She captioned the image: “FASHUN: Vintage Muglar on the plane Listening to Miles Davis My favorite is Flamenco Sketches.”

That’s all very nice but your words fail to distract us from your booblette, Gaga.


Lady Gaga’s bap had almost 100,000 likes and had been shared more than 6,000 times on Facebook at the time of writing and the big fashion boob prompted quite the debate between fans.

One person wrote: “Um, we can totally see your boob. You might want to blur that out miss gaga, you have a lot of young fans out there watching you, remember.”

Meanwhile, another person posted: “Omg! It’s a nipple! News flash: There’s more nipples on Earth than people! Haha! U go Gaga! Xoxo.”

Alright, guys. Calm yo tits!

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