Lana Del Rey cancels all European tour dates due to illness

The singer has been forced to cancel her professional engagements due to ill health


by heat staff |
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Lana Del Rey has been forced to cancel all of performances and appearances in Europe after she fell ill.

The singer – who’d cancelled two Paris gigs last week – was set to play for Zane Lowe in the Live Lounge but has now cancelled as the mystery illness has left her too sick to appear.

“For medical reasons independent of our will, the artist [Lana Del Ray] has been forced to cancel all promotional activities planned in Europe over the coming days,” Polydor and Universal said in a joint statement.

Lana hasn’t been on social media since July and has not spoken to her fans about her illness.

Earlier this year, the 28-year-old broke down on stage in Dublin because she was feeling so ill and said in an interview: “I'd been sick on tour for about two years with this medical anomaly that doctors couldn't figure out. That's a big part of my life: I just feel really sick a lot of the time and can't figure out why.”

Get well soon, Lana.

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