Hmm, star with a yo-yoing weight, DVD deal, think we’ve heard that LOADS OF TIMES BEFORE.
And selfie queen Lauren Goodger is now the latest star to attempt to cash in on the weight loss thang.
The Sun reports: “The reality star has now scored a big-money workout DVD, scheduled to be in shops this year.”
The likes of Charlotte Crosby, Vicky Pattison and Josie Gibson have all had massively successful DVDs in the last few years (and have all kept the pounds off, too).
Charlotte’s DVD was even the fastest selling fitness DVD OF ALL TIME.
After doing some spontaneous running down the beach in a neon bikini (which paps, eh?) Lauren’s bagged herself a DVD deal, so expect loads of hashtag eat clean train dirty Instagrams for the next few months, before Lozza emerges looking slinky in a bandage dress and stands next to a cardboard cut-out of the OLD her.
Well those are the rules, aren’t they?
Damn, we’re going to miss those booby-selfies, Lauren. Plates of kale and avocado isn’t half as entertaining (or tanned).
Maybe she can manage both at the same time. Avocado booby-selfies could SO be the next big thing.
This gallery will shortly be updated with photos of salad
Lauren Goodger selfies





