Lauren Goodger’s Dad rushed to hospital! Hope he’s okay!

Lauren Goodger waits in hospital with her dad after he crashes his motorbike...


by Stevie Martin |
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Last night Lauren Goodger's dad was rushed to hospital after a motorcycle crash. It seems the 28 year-old reality star didn't realise, as she was instagramming away happily until receiving the bad news and deleting the pics, before heading to visit him.

The only update we've had so far is a tweet posted by Lauren confirming that she's been up all night waiting with her pa to see the results of a variety of scans.

Lauren was enjoying a Friday night dinner, happily posting selfies before learning the bad news.

We'll keep you posted with any updates, and fingers crossed he's OK! Lauren's been helping us with heat's Big Night In every Saturday at 6pm, but we'll let you know in due course whether she'll be with us tonight, or having to take some time off depending on how serious the accident is. Sending all our good vibes to her dad.

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