Liam Payne's quite the cool kid, isn't he? He's the boy from Wolverhampton done good; selling a fair few records as part of One Direction and absolutely slaying this whole solo career business.
So obviously we were pretty shocked to see him post quite possibly the most embarrassing Instagram photo/caption combo and let that that oh-so-smooth front slip.
Now we all know Liam lives a pretty lit life, which is probably why him comparing his fancy private jet to us mere muggles' regular aeroplanes caused a bit of a backlash on social media.

Flipping the middle finger and looking all sorts of smug, Liam captioned his pic 'You can only get jet lag from a jet the rest of yall have got plan lag #NOF***KS' [sic].
What he was getting at, essentially, is that only he's allowed to complain about jet lag since the rest of us are most likely flying commerical economy since we're not worth his reported £50 million. CHARMING.
(Sidenote: He is aware all aeroplanes use a jet engine, right?)
Needless to say, Liam's post caused quite the stir. One fan was fuming, commenting 'I remember when I used to think he was the cutest of them all,' with another branding his brag 'cringeworthy.'
Pointing out Liam's mistake, one follower asked 'Does this knuckle-dragging mouth-breather realise commercial planes have JET engines too. Oh, bless him. He's trying at least' as another pointed out 'Oh dear he's trying too hard and failing miserably.'
Probably a good decision to delete it then, eh Liam?