Little Mix’s Jade Thirlwall SLAMS interviewer for asking about Jesy Nelson’s engagement ring


Little Mix

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

Ever since THAT Instagram unfollowing incident, the Internet has been rife with speculation of a split between Jesy Nelson and her fiancé Jake Roche.

Then she was spotted out WITHOUT her engagement ring and we just didn't know what to think.

Now it seems the ring didn’t make it to Australia for Little Mix's promotional tour Down Under, either.

And it hasn't gone unnoticed.

As an interviewer took it upon himself to ask Jesy's bandmates, Jade Thirlwall and Perrie Edwards, what the F was going on.

But the girls proved they always have each other's backs and jumped to Jesy's defence.

Woo girl power! pout and peace sign

"Why isn't Jessie wearing her engagement ring in Sydney?" questioned one of the presenters.

Which prompted to Jade to remark, "that's rude!" before grabbing his questions out of his hand and then throwing the paper away.

Little Mix


Then Perrie added: "That is brutal! Just coming out with that. Next question sir. What are you going to do without your paper now, smart a*se!"

Don't mess with Little Mix, eh?

Jesy has yet to comment on the speculation surrounding her relationship, but Jake has been posting some very cryptic Instagram pictures.

Yesterday, fans of the Rixton singer were left a little confused by the three random, black splotches that appeared on his Instagram page.


jake roche

AND he also seems to have deleted ALL the tweets on his Twitter feed apart from two spelling out the word 'a*sehole'.


Meanwhile in other Little Mix news, Leigh-Anne Pinnock has spoken out about dissing all their exes on the new album Glory Days.

Speaking about their latest release, F.U. she told Fabulous Magazine: "We've all been through heartbreak and love, so we've written a song that girls can relate to.

"It's kind of an 'up yours!' I love that they will think: 'Oh, f*ck you,' when they hear it."

She then concluded: "If your ex has been a bit of an a*rsehole, then it's nice to belittle them!"

Hear, hear.

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