Louis Tomlinson told ex Eleanor Calder in person that he was going to be a dad

But she’s not taken the news well

Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder

by Anna Lewis |
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Poor old Eleanor Calder.

Louis Tomlinson split up with Eleanor back in March after three and a half years together. And within weeks he was hanging out with Briana Jungworth, and getting her pregnant apparently.


Eleanor has understandably been left shocked by the news, which was delivered to her in person in LA while she was there celebrating her 23rd birthday with friends.

The meeting between the two of them happened after Louis jetted into LA for a baby scan with Briana.

A source told The Sun: “Eleanor was trying to avoid Louis but when he insisted they meet she knew it was important.

“She was blindsided by the news and is still trying to get her head around how everything has changed so fast.

“But she appreciates he had the decency to tell her in person. He did the right thing.”

Briana (far right) with her family
Briana (far right) with her family

The news of Briana’s pregnancy broke on Monday evening with an insider telling People.com: "Louis is happy and very excited about becoming a dad and he thinks Briana will be an amazing mother. It was a surprise at first, but he and Briana are very, very close friends and this has brought them even closer.

"They are both really happy and although they aren't in a relationship, their friendship is extremely strong and they are both really excited about the baby. It's early days and Briana and the baby's health are the most important things right now" the source added.

Still no official word from Louis, Briana, Eleanor or One Direction though.

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