Since going on Love Island, Camilla Thurlow has been the people's princess. But any hardcore Cam fans will know that she was once within touching distance of being ACTUAL royalty.
Ok, not quite. But she did once date Prince Harry… which is pretty darn cool, tbh.
We don't know about you, but if we dated a literal prince we'd be shouting it from the rooftops. However, while she was in the Love Island villa, our favourite posh-girl remained tight lipped about her royal romance, not mentioning a word about it. And when questioned by her housemates, she simply said, "a lady never tells".
Now, we love Camilla for keeping her private life private. We realllllly do. But we're ngl, we WANNA KNOW THE GOSS!
So when Cam was asked about her royal connections when she left the villa, we jumped to hear what she had to say.
Speaking about why she kept so quiet about her romance, she told The Sun:"I didn’t want my past relationships in the spotlight to upset having a future with someone. I am very happy with Jamie right now.
"It is nice that something that has happened in the past is in the past – I’ve had an opportunity to show people the person I am."

Awww. But what did her Island bad Jamie say about Prince Hazza?! He's pretty tough competition, after all...
"As much as Prince Harry is an impressive human being, I am not going to be intimidated by him.." he said. " I wasn’t at all shocked to hear she dated Prince Harry – Camilla is a very classy lady. It is her past and everyone has a past."
Aren't Camilla and Jamie just PRECIOUS! Who needs to date a royal when your man treats you like a Queen?!
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